Advanced Aerial w/- Raven River
An instructed class for Intermediate & Advanced students
Service Description
Tuesday 4:00pm - 5:30pm with Raven Weekly class for training and assisting Young Adults in the progress of their aerial practice & then weekend workshop once per term A combination of strength & flexibility in aerial gymnastics/ performance/fitness & dance. 11 yrs - 99yrs Contact Raven 0475 606 629 *** Please Note: There will be additional measures to ensure the health & safety of all during classes: to protect those still wanting to continue to adhere to safe physical distancing, please check in with other participants where they stand, with deep respect - If you are feeling unwell or have been in contact with someone who has co-vid 19 please return when you are feeling safe. All students will have to sanitise hands prior to class. All Aerial students will also sanitise hands every time they go on & off an apparatus (ie multiple times during class)
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Sundance Studio, Boyett Road, Mission Beach QLD, Australia